Tuesday, August 30, 2005


keeping in sync with the blog...

robin hood and little john stepped out of the woods and caught my attention... not because they were known throughout nottingham shire as 'the protectors of the innocent' but because they were gaily skipping, holding hands. 'theyre bloomin spartan!' i thought but i decided not to broach the subject there and then because they were more important matters on the table.

Azam the bruce: 'Edward the III has issued a proclamation banning football because young men, like us, are playing it rather than practising archery'
Robin: yes, i have been denying the bow its due attention these past couple of days.
Little John: O robin, youre such a panzy, youre always thinking of building up a sweat. why dont you come with me and pick some berries?

enter chun the long shanks!
Chun: i am the villian of this story! i hereby place you decadent lot under arrest for failing to adhere to the laws set by your king!
Azam the bruce: huan?!?!
Chun: this is the last nutmeg you'll see for a very long time... youre going to be nutmegging inmates in prison now. muahahaha!
Chun: you there, youve been practising youre archery?!
Robin: yes sir, religously!!

taking this as a sign from God Robin of Locksley went on to become the figure that many a retard consider him today!!


Blogger Ambreen Noon Kazi said...

Hello Poppet!

2:23 PM  
Blogger Amal said...


5:29 AM  
Blogger Chun said...

chun ki buss?

6:42 AM  

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